Property building in Hotel Monville

Hotel Monville


Hotel Monvilleへようこそ!カナダのモントリオールの中心にある4つ星の宝石です!市中心からわずか1.3マイルの絶好のロケーションに位置し、モントリオールが提供するすべての活気ある観光名所や文化的な楽しみへのアクセスが簡単です。1041 rue de Bleuryに位置し、喧騒から離れた静かな隠れ家でありながら、アクションの中心にいます。

2600件以上の高評価のレビューを持つHotel Monvilleは、真に卓越した体験を提供します。わずか$167から始まるこのホテルは、比類のない価値を提供します。モダンでスタイリッシュな客室には、快適な滞在に必要なすべてのアメニティが揃っており、無料WiFi、エアコン、防音室が含まれています。旅行中に体を動かしたい方は、無料のフィットネスセンターを利用し、その後はサンデッキやテラスでリラックスできます。ホテルのレストランで絶品料理を楽しみ、バーでドリンクを楽しんでください。24時間対応のフロントデスク、コンシェルジュサービス、プライベート駐車場があり、あなたのすべてのニーズにお応えします。

Hotel Monvilleは、共有ラウンジ、アレルギー対応の客室、自転車レンタルなど、快適さを確保するためにあらゆる努力をしています。安全とセキュリティは最優先事項であり、キーカードアクセス、24時間のセキュリティ、消火器などの対策が講じられています。ホテルはキャッシュレス決済オプションを提供し、非接触型のチェックイン/チェックアウトや強化された清掃プロトコルを実施して、安心してご利用いただけます。今すぐHotel Monvilleでの滞在を予約し、美しいモントリオールでの贅沢、便利さ、手頃な価格の完璧な融合を体験してください!

Living room in Hotel Monville
Bed in Hotel Monville


Deluxe Suite in Hotel Monville


1 キングサイズベッド


325 平方フィート

デラックススイート, キングサイズ




Monville Suite in Hotel Monville


1 キングサイズベッド


380 平方フィート

Monville Suite, キングサイズ




Corner Suite in Hotel Monville


1 キングサイズベッド


310 平方フィート

コーナースイート, キングサイズ





食事の選択肢に関しては、Hotel Monvilleがあなたをサポートします。ホテル内に位置するMonèmeは、現代的でロマンチックな雰囲気を提供するホテルのレストランです。アメリカ料理、フランス料理、地元の料理を含む美味しいメニューが揃っており、あなたの味覚を満たすものが必ず見つかるでしょう。才能あるシェフが作り出す絶品の料理を楽しみながら、Monèmeの心地よい雰囲気を堪能してください。ボリューム満点のアメリカ料理、繊細なフランス料理、または地元文化にインスパイアされたフレーバーを楽しむ気分であれば、Monèmeにはすべてがあります。

Hotel Monvilleでは、便利さと柔軟性が重要です。支払いに関しても同様です。現金は受け付けていませんが、心配はいりません!ホテルではアメリカン・エキスプレス、マスターカード、ビザを支払い方法として喜んで受け入れています。これらのオプションがあれば、手間なく簡単に請求書を支払うことができます。ですので、現金の心配は家に置いて、Hotel Monvilleでシームレスで便利な支払い体験をお楽しみください。

View (from property/room) in Hotel Monville
Property building in Hotel Monville


Hotel Monvilleでは、さまざまなニーズに応じた部屋のタイプを提供しています。ロマンチックな休暇を過ごすカップルや、より広いスペースが必要な大きなグループでも、このホテルで完璧な宿泊施設を見つけることができます。2人の大人と1人の子供に最適な居心地の良いダブルルームから、2人の大人と1人の子供を収容できる広々とした豪華なスイート、さらには3人の大人と2人の子供を収容できるMonvilleスイート、デラックススイート、コーナースイートまで、旅行者の好みに合った部屋のタイプが揃っています。各部屋は、モントリオールの活気ある街を探索した後に安らかな睡眠を確保できるよう、平和でリラックスできる雰囲気を提供するように考えられています。

もう待つ必要はありません、Hotel Monvilleでの滞在を今すぐ予約して、美しいモントリオールで快適さ、便利さ、そして料理の楽しみの完璧な融合を体験してください!ペットと一緒に旅行している場合でも、デリシャスなダイニング体験を求めている場合でも、ホテルのペットフレンドリーなポリシーとオンサイトレストランMonèmeがあなたをサポートします。柔軟な支払いオプションと、よく整った部屋のタイプの数々を備えたHotel Monvilleは、街の中心で忘れられない滞在に必要なすべてを提供します。

Bathroom in Hotel Monville
Bathroom in Hotel Monville










Fitness centre/facilities in Hotel Monville
Fitness centre/facilities in Hotel Monville



モダンな, ロマンチックな, アメリカン, フランス料理, ローカル

Restaurant/places to eat in Hotel Monville
Restaurant/places to eat in Hotel Monville
Lobby or reception in Hotel Monville
Everything went well. The room was clean. Only thing, they did not allow me to place an extra bed. The counter staff Mr Dean.....hopefully i got his name spelling correct; He was really excellent. Dean was so helpful and providing us all the information to move around. At one time we were late to catch a bus to Toronto. He was so quick to arrange a taxi to bring us there to the boarding point. We felt so comfortable at Hotel Monville because of him. He is certainly a great hire by Hotel Monville.


The room was stunning, beautiful designer-feeling touches, modern fixtures, great integrated entertainment. The bed was so comfortable and the automatic blinds great for keeping the room dark. The communal areas were immaculately kept and the staff were super helpful - they were happy for us to leave our bags for a while on our departure day. Location wise we were able to walk everywhere, it was perfect.


This place was absolutely beautiful. Loved the minimal aesthetic. The lobby and room was beautiful and very clean. We were obsessed with the view of Montreal from the floor to ceiling window! It was our anniversary and it seems they upgraded us to a higher floor! Staff were extremely helpful and friendly. Valet was prompt and convenient. Location was perfect, would recommend to everyone!!!!


Very nice stay. The staff was excellent, they are extremely nice and understanding. The valet parking was also a plus. There’s a nice bar in the lobby, the mocktail was excellent but it is pretty pricey. Nonetheless I loved my stay here everything was clean in the room, the view from our bedroom was beautiful and the location was perfect. It’s right in the heart of downtown.


The room was perfect, a little small but it was a well-organized space and really comfortable. Loved the big window looking out on the city. Easy to connect to the tv for Netflicts, room had all necessary amenities. The location was perfect, close to where we were headed TD Studio venue for a show. Very walkable neighborhood, easy to get downtown and to old MTL.


Everything went well. The room was clean. Only thing, they did not allow me to place an extra bed. The counter staff Mr Dean.....hopefully i got his name spelling correct; He was really excellent. Dean was so helpful and providing us all the information to move around. At one time we were late to catch a bus to Toronto. He was so quick to arrange a taxi to bring us there to the boarding point. We felt so comfortable at Hotel Monville because of him. He is certainly a great hire by Hotel Monville.


The room was stunning, beautiful designer-feeling touches, modern fixtures, great integrated entertainment. The bed was so comfortable and the automatic blinds great for keeping the room dark. The communal areas were immaculately kept and the staff were super helpful - they were happy for us to leave our bags for a while on our departure day. Location wise we were able to walk everywhere, it was perfect.


This place was absolutely beautiful. Loved the minimal aesthetic. The lobby and room was beautiful and very clean. We were obsessed with the view of Montreal from the floor to ceiling window! It was our anniversary and it seems they upgraded us to a higher floor! Staff were extremely helpful and friendly. Valet was prompt and convenient. Location was perfect, would recommend to everyone!!!!


Very nice stay. The staff was excellent, they are extremely nice and understanding. The valet parking was also a plus. There’s a nice bar in the lobby, the mocktail was excellent but it is pretty pricey. Nonetheless I loved my stay here everything was clean in the room, the view from our bedroom was beautiful and the location was perfect. It’s right in the heart of downtown.


The room was perfect, a little small but it was a well-organized space and really comfortable. Loved the big window looking out on the city. Easy to connect to the tv for Netflicts, room had all necessary amenities. The location was perfect, close to where we were headed TD Studio venue for a show. Very walkable neighborhood, easy to get downtown and to old MTL.


Everything went well. The room was clean. Only thing, they did not allow me to place an extra bed. The counter staff Mr Dean.....hopefully i got his name spelling correct; He was really excellent. Dean was so helpful and providing us all the information to move around. At one time we were late to catch a bus to Toronto. He was so quick to arrange a taxi to bring us there to the boarding point. We felt so comfortable at Hotel Monville because of him. He is certainly a great hire by Hotel Monville.


The room was stunning, beautiful designer-feeling touches, modern fixtures, great integrated entertainment. The bed was so comfortable and the automatic blinds great for keeping the room dark. The communal areas were immaculately kept and the staff were super helpful - they were happy for us to leave our bags for a while on our departure day. Location wise we were able to walk everywhere, it was perfect.


This place was absolutely beautiful. Loved the minimal aesthetic. The lobby and room was beautiful and very clean. We were obsessed with the view of Montreal from the floor to ceiling window! It was our anniversary and it seems they upgraded us to a higher floor! Staff were extremely helpful and friendly. Valet was prompt and convenient. Location was perfect, would recommend to everyone!!!!


Very nice stay. The staff was excellent, they are extremely nice and understanding. The valet parking was also a plus. There’s a nice bar in the lobby, the mocktail was excellent but it is pretty pricey. Nonetheless I loved my stay here everything was clean in the room, the view from our bedroom was beautiful and the location was perfect. It’s right in the heart of downtown.


The room was perfect, a little small but it was a well-organized space and really comfortable. Loved the big window looking out on the city. Easy to connect to the tv for Netflicts, room had all necessary amenities. The location was perfect, close to where we were headed TD Studio venue for a show. Very walkable neighborhood, easy to get downtown and to old MTL.



1041 Rue De Bleury, Montreal, H2Z 1M7, ケベック, カナダ

Hotel Monville